Intuitive, multi-bank ready, fully automatable, integrable - ennoxx.banking is your new digital banking software for handling electronic payment transactions in companies
Multibank-capable processing of electronic payment transactions
Integration into existing processes and systems through extended connectivity, interfaces and data transformations
Expanded functionalities for cash management and liquidity planning
Digitisation of the invoicing process with automatic payment reconciliation
Migration and implementation according to your requirements and demands
Support with guaranteed response times and a wide range of contact options
Customized features for your everyday challenges
Integration of banking functionalities into your solution to increase your USP
Provision of a shared instance of ennoxx.banking for your customers
Brokering and white labeling of our solutions for your ERP & FiBu system customers
Procurement and white-labelling of our solutions for your corporate customers.
Forward-looking real-time notifications of incoming instant payments for corporate customers.
Central connectivity gateway to your corporate customers.
News, information, press releases and general articles on the topic of digital banking
Success stories and testimonials from our customers who use our solutions
Knowledge base and instructions for ennoxx.banking and the solutions based on it
Information about ementexx GmbH, what we do and what we stand for
Current vacancies to strengthen our team