ennoxx.transform includes by default a transformation channel that converts SEPA credit transfers into SEPA - Instant Payments.

1. In order to do this, please create a new channel for conversion via "CHANNELS - Transformation Channels".

2. Create a processing rule. Here in the example payment files are posted via File Exchange in ennoxx.banking. If the job (see filter) is successful, the conversion should be executed.

3. Create a processing channel "Create communication job".

4. Create a processing rule for successful conversion and bind it to the channel (Create communication job).

Note: Only SEPA Payments can be converted to Instant Payments up to a maximum of 15.000,00 EUR, from 01.07.2020 up to a maximum of 100.000,00 EUR. All other payments can still be found in the system as "normal" SEPA credit transfers (order type CCT).

In the example below, a payment file with 2 transactions was converted. As a result one receives a CIP EBICS job - with one transaction over 4.000,00 EUR and a CCT EBICS job - with a transaction over 400.000,00 EUR.
